Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The AP's Top 100 All-Time College Football Programs

ESPN should take a lesson from the Associated Press, as they just released a list of the Top 100 All-Time College Football Programs, and their list actually seemed well researched and accurate, unlike any of ESPN's lists so far. But then again, that's why the AP is a well-respected source of bipartisan news, whereas ESPN is nowadays seen as an entertainment-fueled network that uses gossip and anonymous sources as its main tools and employees mostly twenty-something-year-olds.

So here, for the sake of debate, was the list the Associated Press compiled:

01. Ohio State
02. Oklahoma
03. Notre Dame
04. Alabama
05. Southern California
06. Nebraska
07. Michigan
08. Texas
09. Florida State
10. Florida
11. LSU
12. Penn State
13. Miami
14. Tennessee
15. Georgia
16. Auburn
17. UCLA
18. Texas A&M
19. Michigan State
20. Washington
21. Arkansas
22. Clemson
23. Pittsburgh
24. Wisconsin
25. Iowa
26. Georgia Tech
27. Colorado
28. Oregon
29. Mississippi
30. Arizona State
31. Virginia Tech
32. Stanford
33. West Virginia
34. BYU
35. Missouri
36. Purdue
37. Minnesota
38. North Carolina
39. TCU
40. Maryland
41. Syracuse
42. Army
43. Oklahoma State
44. Kansas State
45. California
46. Mississippi State
47. Baylor
48. South Carolina
49. Houston
50. Northwestern
51. Illinois
52. Virginia
53. Duke
54. Arizona
55. SMU
56. N.C. State
57. Boston College
58. Texas Tech
59. Washington State
60. Navy
61. Boise State
62. Louisville
63. Kansas
64. Utah
65. Oregon State
66. Penn
67. Air Force
68. Kentucky
69. Rice
70. Tulane
71. Wyoming
72 (tie). Indiana / Fresno State / Southern Mississippi / Cornell
76. Toledo
77 (tie). Santa Clara / Tulsa / Colorado State
80. Wake Forest
81 (tie). Cincinnati / Miami (Ohio)
83 (tie). Fordham / Iowa State
85. Holy Cross
86. Rutgers
87. Dartmouth
88. East Carolina
89. Vanderbilt
90. Yale
91 (tie). Princeton / Marshall
93. Hawaii
94. USF
95. Villanova
96. Northern Illinois
97. Duquesne
98. Iowa Pre-Flight
99 (tie). Columbia / William & Mary / Nevada / Bowling Green

I guess we now know where all our favorite college football programs rank throughout the past 80 seasons. I look forward to finding out how the next 80 will affect these standings!

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