Thursday, August 11, 2016


My fiancée is apparently out doing girly stuff right now because she's reading Cosmopolitan magazine and sending me quiz questions to answer.

As for me, I just got done working out, so I'm now bored (and tired) enough to actually want to answer these inquiries publicly ('cause ain't that how everything is done these days?)...

1. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a... WWF wrestler.

2. Never forget to... be true to who you are.

3. The toughest lesson I've learned is... forever is never long enough to be with the folks you love.

4. My superpower is... nonexistent. I'm only human. I wish I were a superhero!

5. My attitude in life is... you can't change the past, so focus your energies instead on the present. Also, try to enjoy life as much as possible!!

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