Thursday, June 22, 2017

U.S.-Backed Forces 1, ISIS 0

A record was recently set. To find out what it was, click over here.

Now, I don't know about you all, but I've been shooting since I was a child. Pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, machine guns -- you name it, I've shot it. I've always been pretty darn good with my shots, too. "A natural," I was dubbed. First shot I ever took JUST missed the bulls-eye. Two shots later, there it was -- my first ever bulls-eye! I've rarely ever missed a target I've aimed at. And when I applied to join law enforcement (not telling you to what extent I'm still in that field), I scored tremendously high marks. Nevertheless, 3,450 meters seems downright unfathomable to me! Up to about 600 meters, you can bet your arse that I will strike what I'm aiming for, but that's up to where my vision can see and I can know 100% that I'll connect. This Canadian sniper with the joint task force just nailed a moving target that is almost six times further than that. Even shooting a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle, a.k.a. a gun that does a lot of the work for you, that is still dang impressive to me. I don't think I could hit that shot if I tried it 100 times, esp. not on a moving target. MAYBE a stationary one, maybe... but probably not. Hats off to this guy, and hats off to all those Canadian snipers at the top of the charts. What, are they focusing their training up there to sniper shooting? Y'all are really impressive to me! *Applauds.*

In honor of your incredible feat, I give you the musical stylings of one Mr. Steve Lee...

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