Monday, June 26, 2017

Trappist-1 (& The Rest Of This Great Big World)

Clicky right here.

If there's a system of seven planets orbiting the star known as Trappist-1, and we know three of them are at least as hospitable as Earth, AND we're about to up our technology to allow us to observe traces of extraterrestrial life from afar, I'd tend to believe those nerds in Anonymous on this one. Of course there's more life out there than just us! After all, there's still a whole 'nother ginormous world out there that we have yet to even venture out to. Somewhere in this vast horizon, we need to have some company, otherwise what a waste of space this would all be! And trust me, everything happens for a reason, this vast amount of space wasn't just created to be wasted out there. You can trust that something's going on somewhere out there! When and where, we've yet to find out, but there definitely has to be more to life than our social media nonsense and fanatical religious wars bullcrap. There's got to be more to everything we thought exists, and I can't wait until we actually start discovering some of it! C'mon, science!!

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