Tuesday, November 29, 2016

NES Classic Edition

You folks my age -- the ones who grew up in the '80s wearing bright neon colors, using pay phones and playing 8-bit video games -- won't believe what is happening in the world of video games right now. Nintendo recently re-released the famed console that we grew up with, the Nintendo Entertainment System, to these youngins in Generation Z! All the fun we poked at them for having zero creativity and therefore having to steal all the movie and T.V. show ideas my generation created apparently didn't sink in because now they've gone and stolen our old video game standard, too!

However, to their credit, they did tweak it just a smidge. Their bright ideas? Shrink it to the size of one's open hand, price it at the retro price of $59.99, re-name it just a tad ("NES Classic Edition") and pre-load the system with 30 of the most famous retro games ever, including The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Galaga, Metroid, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Punch-Out!, Kirby's Adventure, etc.

How do I know all this? Because my sister wants me to purchase one as a Christmas present for my niece and nephew, and I can't find the darn thing anywhere. It apparently sold out very quickly when they released it on November 11th, so I'm just thinking of re-packaging my old one -- which I've still got, for some odd reason -- and hoping they won't notice. What do you all think?

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