Wednesday, November 30, 2016


As an award-winning author myself, I often drew inspiration from other much better writers than I. Essentially, I had five poets (Edgar Allen Poe, Maya Angelou, Leonard Cohen, Dorothy Parker & Ai) and five novelists (Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, Bret Easton Ellis, Hunter S. Thompson & Agatha Christie), from whom I drew the most inspiration.

Well, how cool would it be then, for me, a huge fan of the infamous hellraiser, to one day be able to go on a writer's retreat to Hunter S. Thompson's famous Owl Farm in Colorado? It'd be even cooler, as I stroll through the private museum that his widow Anita Thompson is planning on building there, to know that a few of my hard-earned dollars are going to help support the farm where one of my muses' funerals took place and featured the good doctor’s ashes being fired from a rocket launcher mounted with a towering two-thumbed fist whose palm held a giant peyote button. You can't make this $#!+ up, this was always Gonzo's life! He was too weird to live and too rare to die!

Now, for the modern-day life "weird" part...

How does Anita plan to pay for this project? By cloning and selling the famed writer's personal weed and hash stashes. Since Colorado is one of only eight U.S. states, plus the District of Columbia, where adult recreational use of marijuana has been legalized in some form, she went ahead and figured out a legal method to extract his DNA from the stashes she's saved for the past 12-15 years.

In her own words: "I am in the process of making the strains available to those who would like to enjoy the authentic Gonzo strains in legal states ... I am looking forward to making the authentic strains available in legal states to support the farm and the scholarships."

I won't be indulging in the drug aspects of the visit because I ain't about that life -- sorry, folks, not all writers smoke! -- but I, being of sober body and mind, would still definitely like to walk through the Owl Farm taking in all of the history of one of my ten go-to writing icons. To me, that'd be like what Graceland is to Elvis fans, a must-see when I'm in the Aspen area.

May you forever rest in peace, Gonzo!

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