Monday, September 22, 2014

Beware the Malintents!

To those reading my blog (if anybody),

I know you already know this, but just as a friendly reminder, and as my PSA for today, please be careful what you post online. Some people are so quick to post anything and everything on their social media accounts, not realizing that there are bad people out there that want to take your information and use it with malicious intentions. Let's try to avoid falling victim to any of that stuff. The reason I mention this is that I've just read yet another article about people posting way more than they ever should even be thinking on their Facebook pages and suffering the appropriate repercussions for it. I personally don't even understand why people like sharing their dirty laundry with the world, but nevertheless, this kind of stuff is only funny if you ain't the victim of it. Let's not be the victims, please. Be careful what you put out there.



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