Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017 (a.k.a. Reflecting on Trump)

I wrote (and copyrighted) this poem this morning.


- Al


Well, he did it --
The orange reality T.V. star is now our president!
Though I know most of what he promised was shit,
I'm just going to have to accept it.

But hey, I've always prided myself on having an open mind,
So here's my chance to give it a wind;
Here's hoping whatever Donny Boy will do won't be too unkind,
Or undermine our American foundation.

For the record, I'm not a Democrat.
However, I'm also not a Republican.
I'm a human being with human feelings,
And a special mind that doesn't allow for fleeing.

I'm your typical third-party voter --
Disenfranchised with the whole system;
The Bush dynasty was incompetent,
While Obama did nothing but claim he was the Republican's victim.

In my life, the best presidents have been Reagan and Clinton;
Though before I was here, I think I'd have liked Teddy and Lincoln;
I also liked JFK's will to experiment with new paths like space,
And how FDR guided us out of our Great Depression daze.

But I've also liked presidents that had guts,
Men that led us in wars and out of ruts,
Guys like George Washington and Andrew Jackson,
Although obviously I'm forgiving their slave-owning sin.

I don't yet see any of that in Trump,
He's but another guy promising us things he can't deliver,
Though his minions swear by his gravitas and say that he will,
I hope they're right, that he'll evolve into more than just some divisive figure.

Let's see, so far, he's been in office five days,
And he's already signed some significant legislation,
So at least we know he ain't out catching rays,
But have his dealings been good?
That'll need some contemplation.

He took us out of the TPP,
Which I'll admit I don't know much about at all,
But John McCain, whom I respect,
Said that that would ruin the competitiveness of American imports abroad.

If there's one area that I would tend to trust Donald Trump,
It'd be in the art of the deal,
After all, his autobiography itself,
Bore that name and had that feel.

So as far as that's concerned,
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt;
However, he also involved himself in female reproductive rights,
After millions of women told him to butt the crap out.

He reinstituted the "Global Gag Rule,"
Which essentially defunds any organization that even so much as mentions the word "abortion;"
I'm of the belief that no man should regulate women's anything,
Because what the heck do we know about their devotions?

Do I want my government dollars funding that private process?
Probably not what I'd spend them on first.
But should there be some exceptions to the rule?
I'm thinking rape, or mothers who're dying while giving birth.

But then again, I'm a man,
So I should probably not decide,
On something so divisive,
As what goes on within a woman's insides.

Donald Trump also froze federal hirings,
Something that I feel needed to be done,
As someone who's worked hard for such agencies,
Sometimes I wondered if I wasn't the only one?

There's a lot of dead weight in government,
It's time to stop hiring more,
Let's just focus on getting the ones we do employ,
To finally get around to doing their chores.

So as you see, as for me,
As far as I can see,
After the first five days,
Trump's done some good, some bad, and some iffy's.

Though I may not have voted for you,
I'm really hoping you'll do well,
Because quite frankly, Mr. Trump,
This country can't afford four more years of Hell!

I know you talk a big game,
But please tell me you'll back it up,
Because it's been 17 years since we've had competence,
And that's a lot of crap filling our American cup.

Soon, it will overflow...
Unless you quickly come and regain its control.

Good luck!

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