Wednesday, December 30, 2015

There Will Be No Halloween This Year

That is not a typo. There will, in fact, be NO Halloween this year!

(As in Michael Myers' Halloween movies, not Oct. 31st's Halloween holiday.)

Apparently, Dimension has let the rights to their franchise expire, so Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton's botched execution idea for Halloween Returns will never come to fruition. Well, not unless another studio reels in the free agent serial killer and decides to bring those two moviemakers back into the fold, anyway.

All's I can say about this is that after Halloween: Resurrection, a.k.a. the Michael Myers reality show gone wrong, and those two porn-gore fests that Rob Zombie tried to pass off as legitimate Halloween reboots, I'm actually kind of glad that Dimension no longer has Mike's rights because I highly doubt that they had his best interest at heart.

Michael is an elusive, tight-lipped, stalking, affluent boogeyman anomaly with zero attachments, not some oversized superhuman mama's boy redneck with the typical serial killer backstory, and it's about dang time that some studio decided to take him back to what he was in '78 before he ever even had a younger sister, back when he was just some random detached whackjob killing babysitters on Halloween night. It wasn't until the pressure of the sequels gave him a real backstory, and frankly, set the franchise on a downward spiral.

I don't mind that he had that backstory, but when you're forcibly trying to tie in family to this guy, as was the case from parts four through six (a long-lost niece, really?), it becomes a hindrance rather than just a sidenote. And frankly, I preferred not knowing so much about his lineage. He was creepier back when that was the case!

Anyhow, I, for one, am on the side of whoever wants to start from zero with this masked madman. Here's hoping that whoever takes on his rights from here on has an actual gameplan for the lunatic, and doesn't try to force him back into another ridiculous familial backstory. And please, definitely no more cults, Busta Rhymes or Rob Zombie's!

'Nuff said.

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