Thursday, November 19, 2015

Bet That Footlong Doesn't Sound So Appealing Now!

I work for the justice system. Unfortunately, although they give me the willies, I see a lot of pedophiles daily. My mind's been trained to spot one from a mile away, as they all pretty much have the same suspicious demeanor, which includes -- but is not limited to -- a really creepy smile.

In case you're wondering, that smile looks a little something like this...

So yeah, consider this my PSA for the day: if you see that smile on someone, keep your kids safely away from them.

It sucks that we live in a society full of priest child molesters, pitchman pedophiles, guy-next-door serial killers, student terrorists, etc. But alas, that's the world that we live in these days. As William Shakespeare once wrote, "all the world's a stage," and you never know what monsters lie behind the masks you see folks wearing everyday. So please, everybody, let Jared and the others be a reminder that you mustn't ever let your guard down.

The world's a crazy place. Always try to stay as safe as possible out there.

PS: In case you didn't see the news today, Jared got sentenced to 15 years 8 months in a federal prison with lifetime supervision to follow.

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