Wednesday, August 26, 2015


A 13'6" alligator, weighing in at a whopping 920 pounds, was recently caught in Lake Eufaula in Alabama. The scary part? It's not even the biggest gator caught there since 2014!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

They'll Be There For Us!

When my favorite show ever, “Friends,” went off the aire on May 6, 2004, after 10 seasons and 236 episodes, I thought I’d never get to see a brand-new scene starring the six actors again. Fortunately, I was wrong!

Turns out that 9/11 happened the same week Season 8’s second episode was to aire, and because of it, that week’s episode, titled “The One Where Rachel Tells Ross,” had to be rewritten. “Why,” you ask? Because it dealt with airport security and jokes about the B-word -- no, not that one, but rather the one you don’t want to mention in an airport.

Anyway, for some reason – I guess, enough time’s finally passed? – those deleted scenes made it onto the internet recently, and well, me being as awesome as I am, I come bearing that video for my fellow “Friends” fans.

In a related story, a few months ago, Jimmy Kimmel also had a semi-reunion with the cast, as he had the three ladies – Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox & Lisa Kudrow – read some fan fiction that he’d written, wherein he, of course, played the role of “Ross,” the on-again, off-again love interest of Jennifer Aniston’s “Rachel.”

I hope y’all enjoyed this little bit of retro-tainment!

Monday, August 17, 2015

New Post-GOP Debate Poll Numbers Are Out...

Republican Standings
Donald Trump (25%)
Dr. Ben Carson (12%)
Ted Cruz (10%)
Jeb Bush (9%)
Mike Huckabee (6%)
Scott Walker (6%)
Carly Fiorina (5%)
John Kasich (4%)
Marco Rubio (4%)
Chris Christie (3%)
Rand Paul (3%)
Ev1 Else (<1%)

Democratic Standings
Hillary Clinton (49%)
Bernie Sanders (30%)
Joe Biden (10%) **
Ev1 Else (<1%)

** Still undeclared.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

And introducing Mike Melgaard as Target

I don't know if it's just because I've had a super rough week or what, but this article totally had me rolling on the floor laughing my f'n @$$ off this afternoon. Though it's not nice to make fun of people who obviously can't read -- Target is ONLY not gender-separating their toys, they didn't say anything about their clothes, tampons or bathrooms! -- still, I needed a good laugh today, and this guy provided it. No matter what Target decides to do with you, Mike Melgaard, I appreciated your sense of humor, even if it did come at the expense of others, which I typically don't condone. But y'know, weird mood brings weird reactions, so kudos to you, sir!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Poem by Chanie Gorkin

Start reading this poem and you'll think it's about one very emo thing, but before you choose to click away from it, let me tell you that it takes the most positive turn imaginable because it contains a twist. I thought it was very cool, so I figured I'd share it with whomever might come across this blog during their internet travels.

PS: Chanie Gorkin is an 11th Grader from Brooklyn, New York.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Today's (Weird) FYI...

Did you know that if you sever the head of a venomous snake, it can still bite into you and kill you? Well, it's true. They should really make a horror movie out of THAT! They can call it Creepy Crawlers or The Headless Snakeman or something else that's silly like that. The tagline can read something like: "You Can Kill The Body Dead, But You Can Never Kill... It's Head!" LOL -- that crap will be opening in a theater near you on Friday. (Maybe soon. I hope.)

Sunday, August 2, 2015


They're older than dirt and they eat whatever their cute little hearts desire, but who doesn't love a supercentenarian? To me, they're proof that it's not about WHAT you eat, but about HOW you eat it. These two gals eat foods that are supposedly horrible for you, but they're still here... and, to me, that's because they eat the same thing daily, not stressing their bodies anymore than they need to be stressed out at that age. Whether I'm right or not, whatever it is you both do, ladies, keep on doing it because it's clearly working for you both. May you both live well into your 120s!! :-)