Thursday, June 4, 2015

Holëschitt (and Other News from Around the World)!

In a world temporarily hijacked by Bruce... err, Caitlyn... Jenner, I come in peace to bring the over-saturated ones amongst us a little reprieve from all that media attention.

This here's a blog post containing some other big stories from around the world that you can be following today:

* The Islamic State infiltrated the Syrian city of Palmyra on May 20th and is still slaughtering people there as we communicate.

* The government suspended adoption proceedings in Congo back on Sept. 2013, but the wait for several hundred American families who've adopted children from there since then is nearly over as exit permits might soon again be getting issued.

* A new study concluded that the upward trend of global temperatures didn't slow this century, as previously claimed by some experts.

* Flooding in Ghana sparked a gas station explosion earlier today killing anywhere from 73-90 people.

* The UK government is opposing a 10% pay raise for their MPs on grounds of fiscal responsibility claiming that the sovereign state's budget can't sustain it.

* The 2015 NBA Finals begin tonight -- current MVP Stephen Curry leads his Warriors against four-time former MVP LeBron James and his Cavaliers!

* And then, there's this. (I'm not sure whether to "Eww!" or LOL!)

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