Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Curious Case of the Same Name Dame

What would you do if you bought non-refundable around-the-world tickets with your girlfriend, but you two called it quits before the day came to use those? Would you go looking for another random lady with the same name -- in other words, a complete stranger -- to go on that trip with? That'd be a weird, awkward way of dealing with that situation, right? Apparently, not for a Toronto man named Jordan Axani.

Oh, and there's just one more minor detail: the girl he chose is "in a serious relationship" with another dude!

First and foremost, this trip-offering dude's a homewrecking sleezeball. There's no two ways around that one! And, this lady -- I guess she expects her boyfriend to just be okay with her going off and celebrating the entire holiday season and then some (Dec. 21 through Jan. 12) travelling the world with a total stranger and staying in the same hotel as this mystery man? If the roles were reversed, I'm sure the 23-year-old would never stand for her man doing her that way. Am I right? Remember, people, you should always do unto others, as you'd want them to do unto you. Then again, the decisions we make at 23 are not always the best ones. This girl still has a lot to learn in life.

The only person who looks good in this story is the serious boyfriend back home, as he's offered her way more than the normal levels of relationship trust. Clearly, he deserves somebody better than this good-timing gal. I hope he figures that out as he stands all alone under the mistletoe this Christmas, and that he runs for the hills!!

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