Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Taco'd... err, Voted!

I have a cute story to share today... on Election Day. Yesterday, I went to go pick my nephew up at school, and the little bugger had an "I voted!" sticker pasted on his chest. Now, keep in mind, my nephew's still in elementary school, so he couldn't really have voted. Therefore, I asked him, "so buddy, I see you voted -- who or what did you vote for?" He responded with: "Oh, they had us vote in school over which we liked better: apples, oranges or carrots?" I asked and he answered that, yes, they had a single voting booth set up in the back of the class from which everyone cast their vote. With an uncle's curiosity, I continued, "so, which food item did you vote for?" He replied, "carrots." Then, he followed that up with, "and I was the only person in the whole class to do so." I couldn't be prouder as an uncle because my nephew is apparently a third-party voter who won't allow himself to be swayed by the pushes and pulls of society. In case you want to know, apples apparently beat out oranges by a hair. Seems like a fun way for a teacher to teach the election process, if you ask me!

As for the real elections, all the non-partisan polling that I've seen pretty much confirms that the orange team will be losing there, as well. It looks like Hillary's going to become our first female president by about 100 electoral votes (give or take a few). However, she'd better savor that victory while she can, because with Republicans certain to retain the House of Representatives, and probably no fewer than 49 votes in the 100-member Senate, her prospects of passing any consequential legislation doesn't look too good. Also, House Republicans appear poised to begin fresh investigations on her before she even takes the oath of office, and with her low public popularity, the next four years appear like they'll be quite the bumpy ride. Congratulations, Mrs. Clinton, a female presidency has been long overdue, I just wish it could be a more cohesive event than it's projecting to be!

I also hope that some third-party candidate who's worth his or her weight rises up from the ashes of this horrible election to steal the White House in 2020 because if it's going to be incumbent Clinton vs. another deplorable human being (because those are the only kinds of people who would allow themselves to join this electoral circus and have their entire past vetted and scrutinized every step of the way to the point where they'll almost be federally indicted for such BS reasons as the e-mail server they've chosen to use, etc.), I just can't do this "lesser of two evils" crap anymore! And frankly, if ever there was a shot for a third-party candidate to succeed, here it is presented to you on a silver platter. Just please, this time, don't blow it by presenting us with another brain-dead Gary Johnson-type who can't name a single foreign leader or even tell you where Aleppo is, or even worse, a Jill Stein-type who sits there jeopardizing American security by worshipping the likes of Julian Assange, a wanted rapist and sexual assaulter who publishes top-secret American documents all the time via his WikiLeaks organization.

If you all give us just one GOOD third-party candidate, then maybe 2020 can finally be the year we blow up this two-party sideshow that our elections have become, and can finally start moving toward some REAL change in Washington, D.C.!

As one of the greatest bands in history once sang, "What better place than here?! What better time than now?!"


An Independent Voter with an Independent Nephew

PS: For the first time ever, I ALMOST made it through the whole election process without posting this. So close, yet so far! Maybe 2020 will be the year... lol.

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