Friday, July 15, 2016

Who Is Mike Pence?

Lifted straight from the New York Times (for informational purposes only)...

Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana in 2014.

Donald J. Trump announced on Friday that he had chosen Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate. Here is some background on Mr. Pence, who called himself “Rush Limbaugh on decaf” when he hosted a talk radio show and who quoted the Bible when he was in Congress.

Age: 57

Experience: A six-term Indiana congressman, Mr. Pence was elected governor in 2012. He has ushered in big tax cuts and last year drew national attention for signing a “religious freedom” law that critics said allowed businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples.

Childhood: The son of a gas station manager, Mr. Pence was an altar boy and once considered entering the priesthood. He was raised as a Catholic, though he now considers himself a born-again Christian.

Family: Mr. Pence married his wife, Karen, in 1985. They have a son and two daughters.

Education: Graduated from Hanover College, in Hanover, Ind., in 1981 and received a law degree from the Indiana University McKinney School of Law in 1986.

How he could help Mr. Trump: Mr. Pence could appease social conservatives who remain wary of Mr. Trump, who also needs to do well in the Rust Belt. Mr. Pence would give him a strong footing in Indiana, a swing state. Mr. Pence, who is seen as averse to confrontational politics, could provide a counterweight to some of the harsher aspects of Mr. Trump’s personality.

How he could hurt Mr. Trump: Mr. Pence’s conservative positions could turn off moderates and independents. He lacks national name recognition and he failed to deliver Indiana for Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, whom he supported in the state’s Republican primary, suggesting that his presence on the ticket might not be enough to tip the general election to Mr. Trump.

Fun fact: The Pences are animal lovers and would bring their beagle, Maverick, and their two cats, Pickle and Oreo, to the vice-presidential residence.

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