Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The Powerball lottery has reached a record $1.4 billion. If you take the lump sum, you'll be receiving somewhere in the vicinity of $650 million (after taxes). If you take the annuity payments, which I most certainly will when I win tomorrow night, you'll be receiving slightly more than $1 billion in the next 30 years of your life at an AVERAGE clip of $35 million per year.

If you're anything like me, you've already planned out where you want to build your vacation country home (confidential for security purposes), how many horses you want to have on your ranch (four; and I already know all their names), what kind of pick-up truck you'll be driving soon (Gray 2016 Ford Super Duty F-450 Platinum), what kind of car you want to get your currently-no-working-car-having fiancée (Blue BMW 135i Convertible -- doesn't cost a lot, but my gal seems to really enjoy it), how many hundreds of guests will be invited to your dream wedding (I wanted a private ceremony with no guests, but the fiancée wants her whole GINORMOUS family there, so I'll top it off at at about 150 guests, so that she's happy), where you'll be spending your honeymoon (it's got to be Europe for about a month, no?!), how much your main home will cost (got to keep it under $1 million, so as to not draw the attention of your local thieves; $700K sounds good to me!), how you're going to hire a large brass band to play Johnny Paycheck's "Take This Job and Shove It" outside your former employer's main office (I swear that I don't have this dream. LOL!), etc., but have you thought about which financial adviser you're going to hire (*blank stare*)? If you haven't, you really should soon, because even with 292.2 million to 1 odds, somebody's going to win this darn thing... and it could very well be you!!

Billionaire Mark Cuban has some idea of what it's like to be very rich, and here's the advice that he shared with us via Business Insider, all of which I think is right on the money -- yes, that pun was intended, and I totally apologize for it:

• [The first thing you should do is] hire a tax attorney.

• Don't take the lump sum. You don't want to blow it all in one spot.

• If you weren't happy yesterday, you won't be happy tomorrow. It's money. It's not happiness.

• If you were happy yesterday, you are going to be a lot happier tomorrow. It's money. Life gets easier when you don't have to worry about the bills.

• Tell all your friends and relatives no. They will ask. Tell them no. If you are close to them, you already know who needs help and what they need. Feel free to help SOME, but talk to your accountant before you do anything, and remember this, no one needs $1 million for anything. No one needs $100,000 for anything. Anyone who asks is not your friend.

• You don't become a smart investor when you win the lottery. Don't make investments. You can put it in the bank and live comfortably. Forever. You will sleep a lot better knowing you won't lose money.

He also shared one last bonus tip with Business Insider: "Be nice. No one likes a mean billionaire. :)"

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