Friday, July 13, 2018

How Much Truck Can A Woodchuck Chuck?

In one of the funniest bits of news coming out of Friday the 13th and speaker Paul Ryan's retirement press conference, apparently woodchucks are no friend of the former vice-presidential candidate. In marmot country, they apparently warn you to cover your car in such ways where woodchucks won't get into it because of this very behavior -- these oversized ground squirrels are known to chew through car wiring to try and get at a vehicle's radiator fluid, which I'm sure, in turn, wrecks havoc on their digestive systems. Even me, being a huge outdoorsy person, didn't know this little fun fact, but I guess that's because I live in gator country, not marmot country. Oh well... you live, you learn! For those who care, Paul Ryan will now be trading in his destroyed Chevy Suburban and getting himself a Ford F-150. Mr. Ryan, if I may be so bold, the Ram 1500's a better option, but that's just me nitpicking. What a nutty day!