Friday, February 17, 2017

Isn't This "Woolly" Dangerous?!

We've all seen Jurassic Park, wherein scientists clone the DNA of ancient dinosaurs to bring them back to life before opening a dino-themed park. This movie plot is now becoming real life -- just not with dinosaurs, but rather with Woolly Mammoths. In case you all haven't heard of the "Woolly Mammoth," they were basically the last ice age's answer to the African Elephant. They could weigh up to 6.6 short tons, had layers of hair and fur to protect them from frostbite, and they had long, curved tusks for fighting, foraging and moving objects. In other words, this was one massive animal that we should probably be thankful passed on before we got here!

But nope, apparently, we're not thankful. In fact, some Harvard scientists working with embryos are currently attempting (and getting "pretty close" to) replicating a hybrid specie of this animal. Heaven help us if these animals are resuscitated and one happens to escape its confines. Jurassic Park may not be sci-fi much longer!

From a scientific perspective, I'll admit that it's very interesting. I just hope it doesn't also spell the end of us.